Sometimes we want results faster than we are prepared to have them. I was counseling a patient recently on medications relating to cholesterol and hypertension. She wanted to know how long it would take for her medications to start working. In addition, she began an exercise regimen to compliment her medication plan and saw no weight change in a week. I explained to her that high blood pressure, cholesterol or weight loss doesn’t manifest changes like a pain or sleeping pill would. These medications and physical changes take time to effect small changes which, in time, with the DASH diet and an exercise program will prove successful.
It seems that we live in a culture of instant gratification. We want things now… or even yesterday. A thought to keep in the back of our mind is that it took years to get a less than admirable cholesterol profile, high blood pressure, or attractive physique. Since it took a while to develop these traits, then it will take a while to correct them. No amount of quick fixes will sustain the changes needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle and the same goes for losing weight. There are so many fad diets on the market that I shudder to think of all the money wasted in trying to discover the magic pill or diet that will miraculously shed fat in two weeks.
The key to successfully accomplishing your health goals is to remember that consistency in focused action in the direction of the goal is of paramount importance. Once you take positive action in the direction of accomplishing the goal (weight loss, lowering cholesterol, etc.) and even though there may be minimally apparent visual changes, you can be assured that subtle changes are building at a cellular level that will be visible in about 2 to three weeks…just hang in there and keep on the plan. Obstacles will be thrust in your way and you must realize them for what they are and NEVER GIVE UP! If at times you feel to, or do throw in the towel, remember that you can begin again the next moment. Make a conscious decision to take care of yourself and always focus on the goal. You don’t quit until you stop trying.
So, when the going gets tough, or you wish to see immediate results faster than they become apparent, remember to stay the course, focus on the goal, and work towards your defined endpoint. Afer all, your health depends on it.
Until next time, be well.