Intuitively, we all know that we can’t get health from a bottle. In our rushed lifestyles, increasing societal pressures, and stressed-out work lives, we seek out quick fixes for a poor, hurried diet, lack of exercise, and moments of “me” time to center ourselves.
We consume far too many empty calories for quick energy, take too many fat-burners to lose weight, take too many vitamins and herbal products to substitute for a healthy diet, and pop too many pills to fix the many illnesses – real and perceived which we create in ourselves. And through it all, we spend gobs of money making the companies wealthy in a HOPE that we will be well IF we do all the things they tell us to do from their advertisements.
Well, there is hope, a REAL hope of health and vitality, and it starts when you decide to put your health FIRST in your life above everything else. I have heard many times that this prioritizing is “impossible”, and that the ___________ (fill in the blank) comes first before your health. So, the question is: If you are not healthy to do whatever other activity/job/responsibility that takes precedence in your life, how long will it be before you are side-lined from doing it due to your poor health?
I call it, “rolling the dice” – gambling on your longevity, health, stamina, and vitality that you feel is being taken care of by pseudo-healthy methods. Well, here’s a quick tip: It (your health) all adds up, and the benefits are compounded like interest in a deposit account (your body) like in a bank.
If you invest in your health early on, and maintain it into your retirement, you will be someone who takes a minimal amount of medication, and who lives a robust, healthy lifestyle in comparison to your peers at the same age. You will not be part of the group sitting around comparing notes on physicians, medications and health issues in your retirement years.
In my consulting practice, I am seeing both sides of this issue. The clients that took care of themselves well need much less intensive medication reviews than the ones that put everything else, except their health, first. The good news is that it is NEVER too late to start. Even if you have never done one physical thing, eaten properly, or meditated before, the one act of pure intent to start (and re-start) doing it on a daily basis will start transforming your body from the time you begin. I challenge you to give it a try.
Until next time, stay healthy.