I touched on this at the end of the blog on 6/8. I hope to expand on that to show you a “roadmap” on how to go about losing weight the smart way.
Food provides us energy which is measured in calories. The three food groups are: Protein (provides 4 calories per gram), Carbohydrate (provides 4 calories per gram) and fat (provides 9 calories per gram). The proper blend of protein, carbohydrate and fat must be determined based on the type of your caloric expenditure (exercise, night job, stress, etc) that is part of your life. As stated in the blog, determining your daily energy (caloric expenditure) requirements is the first step. Once this is done, you must monitor your daily food (caloric) intake to make sure that you do not go over that number. Matching these two numbers daily: “caloric expenditure” = “caloric intake” will cause you to maintain you current body weight. In order to lose weight, your “energy (calorie expenditure) out” must be more than “energy (caloric intake) in. This is accomplished by either of the following:
- Decreasing intake (eating less high-calorie food, decreasing appetite*)
- Increasing expenditure (exercising, increasing metabolic rate*)
- Doing both of the above.
From the choices above, you can see where medications* can be helpful if the patient does not have sufficient discipline, knowledge, physiologic condition or mental control to achieve these by themselves. In cases like this, a supervised weight-loss program is needed to help the patient achieve their goal and retrain behaviors that got them there in the first place.
Now, in order to start a weight loss program, a complete medical workup is needed to determine what is causing the problem. Is it a hormonal imbalance or deficiency? A psychological issue that must be resolved? Medications affecting the body in some way? Or is it a physical or physiological condition that must be addressed? By knowing where to focus, you can address the issue and not waste time wondering why you are not losing weight even though you are doing everything right.
Once this is done, choose either a, b, or c from above and stick with it for at lest six months. If you think you need a personal trainer, get one. If you need a “work-out” buddy, find one. If you want to order a work-out video from TV, do it and use it. Just do something to get moving or eating less. Walk if that’s all you can do, but walk – not think about walking. It all comes down to eliminating the excuses and taking action.
There it is in a nutshell. No fancy pills or magic potions. If you need medication to help you lose weight, see a physician because most of the over-the-counter items do not work. My only recommendation in helping in the weight loss battle is “ALLI”; however, be careful on the dietary restrictions on the box.
Until next week, be well.