It should be common knowledge by now that in order to effectively save money, after paying the government their share, you pay yourself next. When I say pay yourself, I mean to set aside some of your money in a savings or investment account BEFORE you spend your earned dollars on bills, needs and wants. This method of saving money will benefit you financially for future years IF you continually put aside some funds every time you get paid.
You may be asking what does this have to do with your health. While putting aside money every time you get paid will benefit your financial future (by building a nest egg), the same principle applies to your health IF you set aside some activity on a regular basis. What I mean by this is to plan some time in your day to get some exercise in to work out your circulatory (heart), muscular (muscles, joints), skeletal (bones), pulmonary (lungs), and central nervous (brain, mind) systems. By putting a deposit into the exercise “bank” five times weekly, you will build a “health” account of good credit which will benefit you in your later years. When the time comes to “cash in” on all those days of “healthy savings” (exercise days), you will be pleasantly surprised at how well your body will reward you.
So, no matter if your New Year’s resolutions have fallen by the way already, start paying yourself first and build up that health account. It will be the best investment you ever make.
Until next time, be well.